The logo is also on the boxes for Emerging Powers and beyond, with the words “ Expand Your Game.
The logo will also be absent on the front of Black & White booster boxes that don’t contain code cards, although it is highly visible on the ones that do. Fans looking for packs of Black & White base set can tell if they will include a code card by checking if the “Play Pokémon” logo - a red card with the “play” symbol on it - is on the back, although Pokémon TCG packs will be hard to find for such an old set. The previous set, Black & White base set, didn’t have code cards initially, but certain reprint runs did include code cards.
Emerging Powers, originally released on August 31, 2011, is the second Black & White Pokémon TCG expansion set. All Pokémon TCG card packs starting with Black & White - Emerging Powers have a code card in them.